
Fallout new vegas tale of 2 wastelands
Fallout new vegas tale of 2 wastelands

fallout new vegas tale of 2 wastelands

My only problem is that the Capital Wastelands vendors still suck, and don't really mesh well with NV's game mechanics. They carry some nice weaponry, and some mercs wear MKII combat armor, meaning its pretty easy to get a 3000+ profit on them per kill. Their loot is strangely enough very easy to make a big profit on.

fallout new vegas tale of 2 wastelands fallout new vegas tale of 2 wastelands

Okay, if they get the drop on you, things get ugly fast, but I find a combination of a Bottlecap mine being set off by a grenade hits them pretty hard. I'm forsaking Power Armor for this run, so my fairly low DT (around 13) is probably making things a lot more a little tougher then it needs to be. The Enclave is actually sort of manageable (Though I have some decent weapons and ammo now), but the officers have actually given me a rough time lobbing plasma grenades at me. I don't know if its something New Vegas did to Super Mutants, but they can barrel out of cover and land right on top of you in a matter of seconds if they really want to, which is actually rather frightening when you're dealing with three normal variants and a Super Mutant Master lobbing missiles at you from a distance. Super Mutants might give you a good chunk of ammo (Mostly 5.56mm rounds), but thanks to their damage threshold and the difficulty of finding weapons that can crack their hide early on, you'll find yourself close to running dry pretty quickly. Resources are a pretty big problem once you hit the D.C. I'm not using any big overhaul mods here, so its mostly the "vanilla" experience of FO3 only using the New Vegas Engine.Īnd I gotta tell you, its pretty fun. For instance, super mutants were balanced very differently between the two games, which could make them obscenely hard in FO3.So I actually decided to try this little number out, given that I've been itching to play Fallout 3 for a long time, but could never get the bugger to not explode dramatically on me after twenty seconds. Nerf: Some items, perks, and other things required some of these to prevent balance issues, since the game uses the FNV engine as it's base, which had several difference regarding balance to FO3.Obvious Beta: Given these two games were somewhat unpolished themselves, the process of making them work together in combination has resulted in a lot of work for the creators, and even though they have managed to make both worlds and all relevant quests completable in both, they still consider it an alpha release at best for now, given how many remaining issues they still need to resolve.The Lone Wanderer is considered to have become the Courier by the mod, so it assumes the player will start and complete the FO3 world before moving onto the FNV world, complete with slightly re-purposed in-game cutscene assets to provide a "canon" justification for the time skip. Approval of God: The official Obsidian developers are aware of the mod are admitted being quite impressed with it.Tropes used in Tale of Two Wastelands include:

Fallout new vegas tale of 2 wastelands